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学术讲座:Innovating Next Generation Computer Architecture Research: Think Big, See Small

阅读数: 发布日期:16-01-10 05:01

时间: 2016112日(星期二)下午3

地点: 科技楼701会议室

主持人: 王毅 副教授

报告人: 李涛 教授, 佛罗里达大学/ 深圳大学兼职特聘教授


Computer architecture forms the foundation of society’s information technology. This foundation, which was laid several decades ago, is facing grand challenges today as power limits and reduced semiconductor reliability make it increasingly more difficult to leverage CMOS scaling, and the shift towards data centers and cloud computing will include sustainability requirements for traditional architectures. At the same time, there are emerging technologies such as green and clean energy computing, scalable memory devices, advanced integration and interconnect methodologies that can be game-changers in the future. A new plethora of computer architectures can be built by exploiting innovative concepts, mechanisms and implementations that take advantage of these emerging technologies while addressing new design challenges.

In this talk, I will address the opportunities and challenges of integrating renewable energy technologies that enable high-performance and sustainable computer and data center architectures. Designing renewable energy driven computer systems poses various challenges in terms of intelligent control strategies for better energy utilization, optimizations for reducing overhead, and improving reliability. I will discuss new mechanisms for data centers that can achieve high efficiency and dependability in utilizing renewable energy. Moreover, I will address the challenges and opportunities of fully exploiting the potential of emerging phase-change memory technologies to improve computer system memory performance, power-efficiency and reliability. Although technology scaling and advanced material engineering provide smaller and denser devices, they make achieving these design goals increasingly challenging. I will introduce holistic and cross-layer design approaches that leverage nano-scale CMOS fabrication technologies, emerging integration methodologies and advanced material engineering.

Short Bio:

Dr. Tao Li is a full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include computer architecture, high-performance, energy-efficient, dependable and sustainable data center, storage systems, the impact of emerging technologies and applications on hardware and operating/run-time systems, and evaluation of computer systems. Dr. Tao Li received 2009 National Science Foundation Faculty Early CAREER Award, 2008, 2007, 2006 IBM Faculty Awards, 2008 Microsoft Research Safe and Scalable Multi-core Computing Award and 2006 Microsoft Research Trustworthy Computing Curriculum Award. Dr. Tao Li co-authored a paper that won the Best Paper Award in HPCA 2011 and three papers that were nominated for the Best Paper Awards in ICPP 2015, DSN 2011, MICRO 2008 and MASCOTS 2006. Dr. Tao Li is one of the College of Engineering winners, University of Florida Doctor Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award for 2013-2014 and 2011-2012. Dr. Tao Li served as the General Chair of 2014 International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture.
