《Linux技术内幕》,2017.1, 清华大学出版社,ISBN 978-7-302-45100-6
《OpenMP编译原理及实现技术》,2012.5,清华大学出版社,ISBN 978-7-302-27298-4
《Intel Parallel Studio环境下的并行程序设计》,清华大学出版社,2013.4,ISBN 978-7-302-30976-5英文原著为“Parallel Programming with Intel Parallel Studio,Published by Wiley”
本科生 《计算机系统2》、《计算机系统3》、《操作系统》、《OpenMP编译原理与实现技术》、《计算机系统结构》、《TCP/IP原理与网络管理》、《并行与分布式计算》、《微机原理与汇编语言》
研究生 《现代操作系统》、《并行计算机体系结构》
[1] 云环境中的异构存储资源分配与性能优化研究(1/4),深圳市基础研究项目,2017-07-01~2019-06-30. 30万
[2] 基于龙芯集群平台的科学计算关键技术研究(1/4),深圳市技术攻关研究项目,2016-01-15~2017-12-31. 300万
[1] NUMA云计算平台中虚拟机访存优化研究(1/5),广东省产学研(省部)合作重大项目(国产高效能云计算平台研发与产业化,No.2011A090100037)子课题 ,2011.1~2012.12.
[2] 支持“内存计算”的众核操作系统关键技术研究(1/4),深圳市基础研究项目,2014~2016 JCYJ20140509172609174
[3] 基于集群式超级计算机的三维动画渲染平台的研制(2/7),广东省科技计划项目(No.2006B36430001),2007.5-2009.5。无线传感器网络中节能相关的若干关键问题研究(2/6). 广东省自然科学基金项目(No.20088451806001001761). 2008.1-2009-12.
[4] 云计算节点参考测试平台开发(2/6),芯灵电子科技有限公司,2011.9~2012.9
[5] 小尺度模式气象数值计算程序并行化改造(1/3),上海气象局浦东分局。2008.1-2009.6。
[6] 并行文件系统PVFS的元数据服务器并行化研究(1/3). 深圳大学科研启动基金项目. 2005.7-2007.7
[7] MPI并行计算实验平台的研制,深圳大学实验室与资产管理研究基金项目.2005-12CYJ.
[8] 《计算机体系结构》的多核编程实验开发。深圳大学实验室与设备管理研究基金. No.2009030
[1] 一种NUMA平台中非核部件数据流缓冲管理的优化方法及系统 申请号:201410415351.9 申请日:2014年8月20日申请人:深圳大学 发明人:罗秋明; 蔡晔; 周远远; 冯禹洪
[2] 基于数据局部性的访存方法 申请号:201510165618.8申请日:2015 年4 月9 日 申请人:深圳大学 发明人罗秋明 刘国强 毛睿 刘刚
[3] NUMA 架构系统在虚拟机环境中的访存优化方法及系统 申请号:201510037275.7 申请日:2015 年1 月24 日 申请人:深圳职业技术学院 发明人王梅 罗秋明 肖正兴 肖锋
[4] 一种自动获取NUMA 架构下系统路由表的方法及系统 申请号:201510989457.4 申请日:2015 年12 月26 日 申请人:深圳职业技术学院
[1] Qiuming Luo ; Feng Xiao ; Zhong Ming ; Hao Li ; Jianyong Chen ; Jianhua Zhang ,Optimizing the Memory Management of a Virtual Machine Monitor on a NUMA System, IEEE Computer 2016-6, Page(s):66 - 74
[2] Qiuming Luo, Guoqiang Liu, Zhong Ming, Feng Xiao,Porting and Optimizing SOAP2 on Loongson Architecture,2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications ,2015-8,pp.566-570(CCF C类会议)
[3] Qiuming Luo, Feng Xiao, Yuanyuan Zhou, Zhong Ming. Performance Profiling of VMs on NUMA Multicore Platform by Inspecting the Uncore Data Flow, 2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications ,2015-8,pp.914-9170 (CCF C类会议)
[4] Luo, Qiuming; Zhou, Yuanyuan; Kong, Chang; Wang, Mei; Cai, Ye Optimization of uncore data flow on NUMA platform , Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 8707 LNCS, p 72-83, 2014, Network and Parallel Computing - 11th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, sept.18-20, NPC 2014, Proceedings (CCF C类会议)
[5] Qiuming Luo, Yuanyuan Zhou, Mei Wang, and Ye Cai, Characteristic Analysis of Operating Systems for Large Scale Hierarchical NUMA system, The 2014 6th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures,Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2014),2014(July11~13)
[6] Qiuming Luo ; Chang Kong ; Yuanyuan Zhou ; Guoqiang Liu ; Chenjian Liu ,Understanding the Data Traffic of Uncore in Westmere NUMA Architecture, Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on, DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2014.71, Publication Year: 2014(Feb12~14) , Page(s): 392 – 399, IEEE Conference Publications
[7] Qiuming Luo, Yuanyuan Zhou, Chang Kong, Guoqiang Liu, Ye Cai, Xiao-Hui Lin,Analyzing the Characteristics of Memory Subsystem on Two Different 8-Way NUMA architectures, Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2013), Volume 8147, 2013(sept19~22), pp 155-166
[8] Qiuming Luo,Chengjian Liu,Chang Kong,Ye Cai. MAP-numa:Access Patterns Used to Characterize the NUMA Memory Access Optimization Techniques and Algorithms. The 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2012).(Springer)
[9] Qiuming Luo,Chengjian Liu,Chang Kong,Ye Cai. Quantitatively Measuring the Memory Locality Leakage on NUMA Systems based on Instruction-Based-Sampling. 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), 2012.
[10] 罗秋明; 李昀; 陶耀东; 董文涛; 刘刚; 大规模分布式系统的节点扰动及周期性分析,小型微型计算机系统, 2012年 03期
[11] Qiuming Luo, Chang Kong, Ye Cai, Gang Liu,Performance Evaluation of OpenMP Constructs and Kernel Benchmarks on a Loongson-3A Quad-Core SMP System, 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), 2011(EI 索引号:20120614753993)
[12] Qiuming Luo, Ye Cai, Chengjian Liu, Chang Kong,The Design and Implementation of OMPit: An OpenMP Compiler Characterized by Logs for Parallel and Work-Sharing,2011 Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP), 2011(EI 索引号: 20120614745713)
[13] 陈国良(院士); 蔡晔; 罗秋明;国产个人高性能计算机系统研制,深圳大学学报(理工版), 2011年 06期
[14] Qiuming Luo, Yun Li, Wentao Dong, Gang Liu, Rui Mao,A Novel Model and a Simulation Tool for Churn of P2P Network,2010 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), P267-P272, 2010(EI 索引号: 20110813692292)
[15] Qiuming Luo, Yun Li, Wentao Dong, XiaoHui Lin,A Churn Model Based on the Global Geographical Distribution of Nodes,2010 Ninth International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science (DCABES), 2010(EI 索引号: 20104413349475)
[16] Qiuming Luo, Yun Li, Wentao Dong, Xiaohui Lin,Performance analysis for noncontiguous I/O using multiple I/O, data sieving and list I/O in peer-to-peer parallel computing,2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET), V4-539 - V4-543,2010(EI 索引号: 20104313317056)
[17] Qiuming Luo, Panpan Zhang, Wentao Dong,Analysis of Computing Resource Allocation for Replicated Processes in P2P-MPI,2010 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC), P299-P303, 2010(EI 索引号: 20102613044768)
[18] 罗秋明、孙宏元,集群渲染管理软件的构建技术与框架设计, Building Technologies and Framework Design of Render for Cluster Management Software,计算机工程, 第34卷第11期,P249-P251,2008.6
[19] 罗秋明, 李晶,雷海军,一种MPI并行编程教学实验环境系统的架构, Architecture of teaching experiment environment system with MPI parallel programming,实验技术与管理, 第25卷第4期,2008.4
[21] 罗秋明, 李晶,Linux集群服务器系统LVS的分析与研究,计算机时代, 第3期, 2006
[22] 罗秋明, 王梅, 雷海军, 张红兵,MPI全互换通信的性能优化, Optimization for All-to-AH Communication of MPI,计算机工程与应用, 第16期, 2006
[23] 罗秋明, 欧阳凯,PVFS元数据服务器的并行化设计与实现, Design and Implementation of Parallel Meta-server for PVFS计算机工程, 第12期, 2006
[24] 罗秋明, 雷海军,边界扫描主控器MCU设计与实现, Design and Implementation of MCU for Master Controller of BS Test,微计算机信息, 第19期, 2006
[25] 罗秋明, 王梅, 雷海军,基于MPI的匹配方体并行计算研究, MPI based parallel computation of matching cube,计算机应用, 第19期, 2006
[26] 罗秋明, 李晶,基于MCF 5272的边界扫描测试平台开发, JTAG Tesing System based on ColdFile 5272,微计算机信息, 第17期, 2006
[27] 罗秋明, 雷海军,结合隐式元数据和List IO的并行文件系统, Parallel File-system capable of List I/O with Implicit meta-data Management,微计算机信息, 第18期,2006
[28] 罗秋明, 王梅, 李晶,MPI环境下MPE图形功能的分析与扩展, Enhancement of MPE Graphics for MPI,计算机工程与应用, 第19期, 2006
[29] 罗秋明,一种算法无关的PVFS负载均衡机制, Workload Balance Mechanism for PVFS with Algorithm Independence,计算机工程与应用, 第19期, 2006
[30] 罗秋明, 雷海军, 尹剑飞,运动前景在视差空间中的扰动区域研究,计算机应用, 第26卷, 2006
[31] 罗秋明, 雷海军,一种高性价比的PVFS并行文件系统, A parallel file system based on PVFS with high performance and low cost,微计算机信息, 第19期, 2006
[32] Sun Honeyuan, Luo Qiuming,A Study on Spatioal Horizon Overcasting Based on Gas,Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol 15 No.4A, 2006
[33] 罗秋明, 李晶,渐进式MPI并行编程的教学方法,计算机时代, 第9期, 2006
[34] 罗秋明, 李晶, 周敬利, 余胜生,内置式通用视频切换矩阵的设计与实现, Design and Implementation of a Video Switch Array Add-in Card,小型微型计算机系统, 第4期, 2004
[35] 罗秋明, 周敬利, 余胜生, 李晶,具备完整性与幻影敏感性的立体匹配与遮掩检测, Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection with Integrity and Illusion-Sensitivity,计算机研究与发展, 第2期, 2003
[36] 周敬利, 罗秋明, 余胜生,使用视差一致性约束的立体匹配与遮掩检测, Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection Using Disparity Consistency,小型微型计算机系统, 第10期, 2003
[37] Qiuming Luo, Jingli Zhou,Shengsheng Yu, Degui Xiao,Stereo matching and occlusion detection with integrity and illusion sensitivity,Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 24, Issues 9-10, P1143-P1149, 2003 (SCI)
[38] Improving random read performance of glibc, Wang, Mei (School of Computer Engineering, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, China); Zhou, Yuanyuan; Xiao, Feng; Luo, Qiuming Source: Proceedings - 13th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, DCABES 2014, p 78-82, December 29, 2014